Kaplan Chen - EnWise CPAs & Co.

Kaplan ChenCPA

Kaplan ChenCPA

  1. Master degree in Accounting, Feng Chia University


  1. Senior National Examination of CPA
  1. Deputy General Manager, Partner, Chief Financial Officer and Director of EnWise CPAs & Co.
  2. Lecturer in Accounting and Information of Overseas Chinese University
  3. Part-Time Lecturer in Finance of Chao Yang University of Technology
  4. Lecturer of the School of Continuing Education, Chinese Culture University
  5. Part-Time Lecturer in Public Finance of National Taichung Institute of Technology
  6. Lecturer of the School of Continuing Education, Ling Tung University
  7. Seminar Speaker,  Federation of Taichung City Industries and Nantou County Industrial Development & Investment Promotion Committee
  8. Commissioner, Forensic and Litigation Services Committee of National Federation of CPA Association of the R.O.C.